Summer Camp夏令营
按天数报名:120法郎一天, 包上下午茶点,午餐和手工材料费
如果大孩子产生交通费, 或者去景点需门票, 结营时按实际支出结算。
2025年夏天举办2期, 不住宿 巴塞尔2025年夏天第1期: 7月21号到25号 | 2025年夏天举办2期, 不住宿 苏黎世2025年夏天第1期: 8月4号到8号 |
巴塞尔2025年夏天第2期: 8月4号到8号 | 苏黎世2025年夏天第2期: 8月11号到15号 |
年龄限制 住宿的营会要求7岁以上,不住宿的营会接纳4岁以上,离开父母可以独立的孩子。
接送孩子 每天上午09.00点送子, 下午17.00 点接子回家。
作息安排 每日有固定作息表,并根据天气相应调节。 重点是促进中文应用能力,增强学习中文的兴趣,动手动脚动脑动嘴, 也学习适当的安静。
欢迎垂询, 请加微信号tangrenchineseschool Whatsapp 0041 79 4070696
2 camps planned for summer 2025, non-residential Basel Camp 1: 21 to 25 July, 2025 | 2 camps planned for summer 2025, non-residential Zurich Camp 1:4 to 8 August, 2025 |
Basel Camp 2: 4 to 8 August, 2025 | Zurich Camp 2: 11 to 15 August 2025 |
Age limit:
The non-residential camp will accept children over 4 years old who can be independent from their parents.
Pick-up and drop-off: Children are dropped off at 09.00 am and picked up at 17.00 pm.
Daily program: fixed and flexible, adjusted according to the weather condition. The focus is on promoting Chinese language skills, increasing interest in learning Chinese.
1. 120 francs a day, including morning and afternoon refreshments, lunch and craft materials
2. 550 francs a week, including morning and afternoon tea, lunch and craft materials
3. If the older children have to pay for transportation or entrance fees to museums etc, the actual expenses will be settled at the end of the camp. Registrations accepted for whole week or individual days.
Please contact: WeChat tangrenchineseschool Whatsapp 0041794070696
2023年夏天, 唐人在巴塞尔分校和苏黎世分校的夏令营成功举办。 以下请欣赏唐人微信公众号的有关报道。